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How was Jeffrey Dahmer caught? Tracy Edwards offer and how police found human torsos in his room

On July 22, 1991, at 11:30 p.m., Edwards signaled to two policemen, Rolf Mueller and Robert Rauth.

He led them to Dahmer’s flat while claiming that a man had attempted to kill him. When they entered, Dahmer gave them permission to do so. One of the officers looked through Dahmer’s nightstand for the key to Edwards’ handcuffs. He then became aware of the Polaroids.

The bodies in the images were dismembered in various ways. The serial killer was then subdued and taken into custody by both cops. The head of one of Dahmer’s victims was discovered in the refrigerator once he was secured, a hint of the atrocities that were concealed in this flat.

Dahmer met 32-year-old Tracy Edwards two months after Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14-year-old who had escaped from his flat only to be brought back by the authorities. Edwards was suspicious as soon as he walked into Dahmer’s flat because of the scent.

Edwards was handcuffed and held captive by Dahmer as the other man was made to watch The Exorcist III with him. Edwards remembered telling Dahmer repeatedly that they were friends in an effort to prevent the latter from harming him. He forced Dahmer to move when he saw that he was preoccupied. After striking the murderer, Edwards fled his apartment.

After being detained, Dahmer swiftly confessed to his atrocities.
