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Rate a Superstar #1 - John Cena

Sir John Cena. My ratings are as such.

•Strength- I'd have to give him a 10 in this department. He lifts huge opponents on his shoulder and throws them down, and some of those F-Us that he did on two opponents at one time is straight crazy.

•Durability- I will not include "SuperCena" in this because that is storyline. His durability as far as real life injuries has to be high because he isn't injury often. I'd give him an 8 because he has had some injuries, just not that many when you think of how long he has been in the main event picture.

•Speed- Considering his size, his speed is great, but on a scale of 1-10 when compared to the entire WWE landscape, it would merit a 7 in my book.

•Hardcore- This is another rating that is hard for me to rate because of "SuperCena" but with that aside, he can take an incredible amount of pain, I just don't see him as that hardcore because in this day in age, guys who would get a 10 in my book, guys like Mankind, Sabu, a lot of those ECW originals, Cena doesn't stand a chance. So I'd say 6

•Submission- Seeing how one of his moves is a submission move, he deserves a decent score but he doesn't have a very complex submission moveset nor does he face opponents who specialize in submissions, so it's hard to see him as a top submission guy without him facing top guys. I say 7.

•Technical- His lowest grade yet. I'm including selling in technical because it's a great part of the overall performance, and Cena struggles in this department. He doesn't do moves as crisp as they should be, and neither are his reversals. His score here is 4.

•Charisma- John Cena is very charismatic, if you like him or not. He has great mic skills, and he is great with the WWE fans, even if you just count the women and children. This has got to be a high 9.

•Stamina- Yet another stat altered by "SuperCena" but still, he isn't burnt out during any match as far as I've seen, and he always has the stamina to FU his opponent to end the match, so I say 8.

Total score: 59

Grade: 7.375

I feel like 10s should only be given to the top of the top in each category, and Cena deserves to be at the top in strength, and he is very close to top in other categories like Charisma. I don't think anyone active in the WWE right now will score a 7.375 like Cena, but considering the entire history of the WWE, I think that's about where I personally picture Cena. I look at it like this, if I were making a realistic rating system for the entire WWE history in it's prime, The highest would possibly be between 89-91, and Cena would be a 74. Just my personal opinion.
