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Things You Get Wrong About Gilligan's Island

Seeing as Gilligan's Island was a goofy comedy, it is no surprise that there were several "goofs" in the filming of the show right out of the gate—or harbor as it were. MeTV explains that the opening credits who the S.S. Minnow sailing out to sea with eight, not seven, people aboard. In an early episode, says Gilligan's Island fan site, Ginger and Mary Ann inexplicably smell fudge burning in their hut, but when it falls down the structure is completely empty. In another episode, the Professor tries to glue the Minnow together. It falls apart, only to be seen completely intact in two later episodes. Early on too, Gilligan is seen wearing Bob Denver's wedding band. 

The most obvious blunder on Gilligan's Island is the amazing amount of clothing (and makeup) Mary Ann, Ginger, and the Howells have seeing as they only went on a "three hour tour." Yet Ginger and Mary Ann especially, notes Eternal Lifestyle, never appear in the same outfit twice. 

And what about all of those gadgets the Professor rigs up? Kiwi Report notes the castaways' radio was a Packard Bell AM radio, the original which did not come with a "telescoping antenna" or even a handle. One of the weirdest incidents regarding the show was when rocker David Bowie died in January 2016. Journalistate reports somebody began circulating the hashtag #RipBobDenver at that time as well—but Denver actually died back in 2005.
