Dr. Bernice King is the CEO of the King Center, which was founded by her mother, Coretta Scott King, as well as being a global thought leader, public speaker, and peace advocate. She is carrying out her father’s vision of making the world a better place.
As the country remembers Martin Luther King Jr.’s career and life, his daughter, Bernice King, is urging people to remember her beloved mother, Coretta Scott King, for the significant efforts she made to ensure that Martin Luther King’s legacy would continue.
Dr. Bernice King, the revolutionary couple’s daughter, posted on Twitter Monday, “As you honor my father today, please remember and honor my mother, as well.”
Bernice continued, “She was the architect of the King Legacy and the creator of @TheKingCenter, which she founded two months after Daddy was assassinated,” adding “There would be no #MLKDay without #CorettaScottKing.”
Coretta Scott King – Wife of MLK
Not only King but his wife, Coretta Scott King, who passed away in 2006 at the age of 78, devoted her life to fighting for social change and was also a key figure in the American Civil Rights Movement.
Following her husband’s assassination in 1968, Coretta Scott King took over the leadership of the campaign for racial equality and then became involved in the Women’s Movement. King built the King Center and campaigned to have his birthday declared a national holiday.
She then widened her focus to encompass both LGBTQ rights advocacy and anti-apartheid activism. She was the very first African American to lay in state in the Georgia State Capitol.
Mrs. King was also honored in the Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame as well as the National Women’s Hall of Fame. King was labeled the “First Lady of the Civil Rights Movement.”
Dr. Bernice King on the MLK Day
Bernice King and her family have spoken out in favor of key voting rights legislation that is presently being held up by a filibuster, attracting the wrath of President Joe Biden, who called upon Congress to reform its procedures to assure the approval of the important bills in the weeks prior to the annual celebration.
Republicans have successfully blocked voting rights legislation, claiming that the measures amount to government meddling. Whereas, Bernice King shared one of her father’s less-quoted statements on social media this week.
In the tweet, the advocate challenged the procedural rule that raises the required number of votes to advance a motion from a simple majority to 60. She tweeted:
“I think the tragedy is that we have a Congress with a Senate that has a minority of misguided senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from even voting.”
King met with Republican officials a few weeks ago, said she doesn’t believe the GOP’s claim that the country has moved on from Jim Crow-era segregation. Correspondingly, federal voting rights laws are no longer required to avoid racial discrimination or voter suppression.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day – 2022
Today, January 17 marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day in America. The whole country appears to celebrate a leader whose accomplishments, hard work, and principles are unforgettable.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a national holiday commemorating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., a persistent advocate for African Americans’ civil rights who was killed in 1968.
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who was leading a Poor People’s Campaign to achieve that objective that spring, presented housing and education investment programs. King was assassinated while participating in a nonviolent protest for the benefit of African-Americans in the United States.
King is one of the most well-known African-American leaders who dedicated his life to the betterment of his community. Being the community’s most powerful voice, even his lifestyle had a profound influence on the lives and thoughts of Black people.