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How do you get cannibals plunder?

On the path to the Stronghold, use the Six Wing Unborn Key, but take the left path at the last “Good Luck” sign to come out onto a large lumber mill. Ignore the explosive barrels in the river for now, and instead start exploring outside.

How do I get to Otto’s Mill?

Otto’s Mill

Use the Six-Winged Unborn Key to open the gate, and continue past. On the other side, instead of heading into the covered tunnel, turn left. There’s a signpost in the weeds pointing to Otto’s Mill.

Should I go to Otto’s Mill first?

Otto’s Old Mill

To get the Cannibal’s Plunder treasure, take the path to the mill first. In front of the mill, the door on the right is locked, so wade through the stream on the left to the gate that you can knife the padlock off of, grabbing the item from the crate beside it.

How do you get treasure before stronghold re8?

Players will know that they’re close to the treasure as soon as they defeat the giant wolf. After the encounter with the wolf, players will find themselves passing through a cave filled with crystal fragments, and players should shoot every crystal they can find to sell to the Duke later on.

How do you push enemies in Resident Evil village?

9 Push Enemies Away

After Guarding any attack, Ethan will be able to push enemies away by tapping the Guard button right away. Pushing requires quick reflexes and functions like a pseudo-parry mechanic. Learning how to Guard and Push helps create easy openings for headshots.

How to get Cannibal’s Plunder Resident Evil 8 Village

Can you punch in Resident Evil Village?

Straight Punch

It’s slow to strike, but is powerful and far-reaching. A successful straight punch increases the Onslaught gauge by more than the left hook.

What is the code to the chest in Resident Evil Village?

Key the code — 070408 — into the safe to open it and reveal its rewards. Inside, players will find the M1911 automatic pistol and jack lever needed to lift the tractor they passed earlier. Jack it up, crawl under, and continue on your way to the house with the red chimney.

Do Lycans keep coming in the stronghold?

The Lycans will keep coming, so sprint back up the stairs and to the far left side onto some scaffolding where you can get to a zipline to cross to the far side. If there’s a group bunched up chasing you, try shooting an explosive grenade to clear the area first.

Who voices Heisenberg in re8?

Neil Newbon Interview (The voice of Karl Heisenberg, Nikolai, Astarion)

What is Luiza’s necklace for?

Examine Luiza’s Necklace and you’ll take the Necklace Stone out of the item, which can be sold. Then examine the item once again and you’ll get Luiza’s Key. This can then be used to unlock a small box in the ruins along the Lone Road. You will be given Cesare’s Goblet, which can be sold to the Duke.

How do you beat the stronghold boss in re8?

Mines, pipe bombs, explosive rounds, and your shotgun are your best bets (also first aid meds). Fight you way through so many lycans up to the top of this room … where you’ll find an armored lycan and even more regular ones. Use pipe bombs and explosive rounds to remove his armor.

How do you lower the bridge in Resident Evil village?

When you defeat Moreau and escape Resident Evil Village’s Reservoir, you’ll have a new key item — the crank. You’ll need this to open the two mechanical doors and lower two drawbridges.

Where is the pig in re8?

Village Pig

Location: Inside the first house that Ethan explored when first entering the village, you can find a pig in the pen on the side of the house after returning from Castle Dimitrescu. You’ll need to get to the front of the house by using the Jack Handle on the tractor first to reach the pig.

What is the meat for in re8?

In Resident Evil Village, Ethan can hunt the local wildlife to collect various types of meat, that can be given to The Duke in exchange for permanent upgrades to his health, defense, and speed.

What does the meat do in re8?

In Resident Evil Village, Ethan can collect Meat to gain various permanent upgrades by turning the collected meat to The Duke’s Kitchen. Most meat can only be claimed by hunting and killing local wildlife, and only a finite amount will appear in a single playthrough.

Why does Heisenberg hate Mother Miranda?

One major reason, revealed in a document, for his hatred towards her is the nature of the experiments. He feels the Cadou took away his dignity. Even though it gave him great powers, it also enslaved him to Mother Miranda.

Is Ethan from re7 in re8?

Ethan returns in Resident Evil Village as its central character. Set three years after the events of the previous game, Ethan lives in Europe with Mia and their newborn daughter, Rosemary.

How did Lucian become a Lycan?

He has Lucian chained to the floor, and Sonja tied to a stake in front of him. A Death Dealer, Soren, beats Lucian as Sonja watches. Viktor then has Sonja burned alive in front of Lucian by exposing her to sunlight. As night falls, Lucian is able to shift into his Lycan form.

Who is the strongest Lycan?

Lycan Physiology: As the first true Lycan, Lucian possesses several superhuman abilities and is the strongest of his race.

Is A Lycan A Vampire or a werewolf?

Lycans are a second breed of Werewolves created in the 13th century, descended from William Corvinus’s Werewolf bloodline.

How do you get 7777 Lei in Resident Evil Village?

If you sell a Magnum Ammo bullet and 11 Rifle Ammo bullets, you will get 777 Lei. As long as you began with zero, this will complete the achievement. Now, if you did not start with zero, this method won’t work.

Where is Dimitrescu key?

Looking back to where Lady Dimitrescu lit a smoking pipe to a torch during the cutscene in the back corner of the room will reveal the Dimitrescu key hanging on the wall closest to the window. Players must simply pick up the key and head out the door where a cutscene will be played.

What is the code for the dollhouse in Resident Evil Village?

So to finally unlock the door, backtrack to the room with the surgical doll, go to the door, and put in code 052911. This will unlock the door and allow Ethan to explore more rooms in this trippy dollhouse. Congratulations!
