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Who Drained the Life-force of Evan Peters?

Well? Gaga? Roberts? Bomer?

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by Anonymousreply 116January 12, 2018 5:30 AM

Emma Roberts has physically abused him in the past. This is what happens to you if you stay in an abusive relationship.

by Anonymousreply 3October 5, 2015 9:51 PM

He still looks like young Malcolm McDowell to me.

by Anonymousreply 5October 5, 2015 10:18 PM

Poor thing. We know you're hot under all that glop, Evan.

by Anonymousreply 6October 5, 2015 10:30 PM

Ryan Murphy's constant requests to have his walls destroyed helped Evan lose that bit of pudge that he gets off season.

by Anonymousreply 7October 5, 2015 10:42 PM

bryan singer. he drained the poor lad dry!

by Anonymousreply 9November 11, 2015 7:44 AM

Who the fuck is styling him??

by Anonymousreply 10November 11, 2015 7:49 AM

R10 Probably that little bitch that beats him.

by Anonymousreply 11November 11, 2015 8:24 PM

He used to be good looking AND sexy. Right?

by Anonymousreply 12November 11, 2015 9:53 PM

He looks like he's on coke in those pictures so I'll guess cocaine

by Anonymousreply 13November 11, 2015 9:59 PM

He has a drug problem , and people in drug fueled relationships usually give as good as they get.

by Anonymousreply 14November 11, 2015 10:14 PM

I don't care for Lady Gaga on AHS.

by Anonymousreply 16November 11, 2015 11:02 PM

Stevie Nicks did it. She owed Liza a favor.

by Anonymousreply 17November 12, 2015 12:21 AM

Heather Graham did it on the set of Judy Moody 2

by Anonymousreply 18November 12, 2015 12:26 AM

In the photo of R8, it looks like he is wearing that new style of shoe that makes your foot appear much larger than it is. The toe section is extra long and full of that stuff they put in foot-molding ski boots. Supposed to make tiny feet more masculine looking.

by Anonymousreply 19November 12, 2015 12:27 AM

The hair doesn't help. He looks better with hair 'down' (do men have bangs ?)

by Anonymousreply 20November 12, 2015 12:29 AM

stilll would fuck the hell outta him

by Anonymousreply 22November 12, 2015 3:10 AM

Surprised they're still together

by Anonymousreply 25March 20, 2016 10:35 PM

Hmmm has he been seen anywhere near Angelina?

by Anonymousreply 26March 20, 2016 10:50 PM

constant rape from bryan singer and emma roberts. poor fella. he should just come out and let me give him the D

by Anonymousreply 28March 20, 2016 11:41 PM

He has no use for a light snack, R28

by Anonymousreply 30March 20, 2016 11:43 PM

I bet Ryan Murphy drained him dry many a time ;O

by Anonymousreply 31March 21, 2016 5:38 AM

They look like recently revived Spice zombies @ R24. Did they get dressed in the Goodwill?

by Anonymousreply 32March 21, 2016 6:19 AM

r28 Time for you to have your anal warts burned off with the devil's poker you slag down bitch.

by Anonymousreply 33March 23, 2016 9:24 AM

He's dating an abuser, so of course he's a walking zombie.

by Anonymousreply 34March 23, 2016 9:34 AM

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by Anonymousreply 35March 23, 2016 9:37 AM

I wonder what Emma's career will be like in the next 5 years? I've heard nothing but bad things about this girl.

by Anonymousreply 36March 23, 2016 9:44 AM

This cursed AHS clique drained the soul out of him. I wouldn't be surprised if Emma herself was in charge of cattle prodding him back into his cage at night.


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by Anonymousreply 37March 23, 2016 9:45 AM

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by Anonymousreply 38March 23, 2016 10:30 AM

I can't believe that someone with as much fame and money as Peters has (yes, even at B or C list levels) would be "stuck" in an abusive relationship. He has SO MANY resources to help him, it's not funny.

He may very well be in a drug-fueled, codependent or co-abusive relationship that he doesn't really want to leave, but he's not stuck there, not a chance.

by Anonymousreply 39March 23, 2016 10:46 AM

R39, she probably has control over him. Abusive relationships isn't just about physical abuse, it's psychological abuse too.

by Anonymousreply 40March 23, 2016 10:54 AM

They had broken up at least twice but they keep getting back together.

by Anonymousreply 41March 23, 2016 11:11 AM

R35, it's not that nobody takes female abusers seriously, it's that they don't take abusers the size of a 5th grader seriously.

by Anonymousreply 42March 23, 2016 12:07 PM

R28 Better light than non existent you priss

by Anonymousreply 43March 24, 2016 12:11 AM

Well.. he was in an abusive relationship for a long time.

by Anonymousreply 44June 19, 2016 1:25 PM

Where did the abuse story come from? why does everybody think she's abusing him?

Anyway, the hair is too dark, the make up too yellow and he's on drugs.

by Anonymousreply 45June 19, 2016 1:32 PM

Love me some Evan Peters booty.

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by Anonymousreply 46June 19, 2016 7:35 PM

R45 It happened in Canada.

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by Anonymousreply 47June 19, 2016 9:47 PM

It sounds like they had a bloody fight, probably drug related, unless Roberts has mental problems. Or it could be a kink.

She sounds like a bitch, but I haven't read anything about what he's like Since they are still together and there are no other stories, I don't know if I believe the abuse gossip.

by Anonymousreply 48June 19, 2016 11:13 PM

Women cannot abuse men...

by Anonymousreply 49June 19, 2016 11:16 PM

Emma's career is like Julia but she acts like she's on drug like Eric.

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by Anonymousreply 50June 19, 2016 11:23 PM

She's a pale version of both

by Anonymousreply 51June 19, 2016 11:24 PM

I haven't been able to take him seriously since I realized he looks like Tim Heidecker.

by Anonymousreply 53June 22, 2016 9:01 AM

R24 Socks with Vans? Oh no he fuckin' didn't!

by Anonymousreply 54June 22, 2016 9:23 AM

I want to fuck him. I wonder if he was conscious or unconscious while being plugged by Singer

by Anonymousreply 55June 23, 2016 1:58 AM

He is so sexy. Emma is off his radar now. Wonder if he ever consider an older lover, more mature, less drama?

by Anonymousreply 56July 17, 2016 10:34 PM

Wasn't it drugs? Or that awful girl?

by Anonymousreply 57July 17, 2016 10:43 PM

I want to fuck him in the ass and then cream inside him

by Anonymousreply 65July 17, 2016 10:56 PM

He's looking better now, after he'd dumped Emma.

by Anonymousreply 67July 17, 2016 11:18 PM

What IS his natural hair color?

by Anonymousreply 68July 18, 2016 12:56 AM

He looks like someone whose parents didn't love him enough when he was born to spring for the circumcision.

by Anonymousreply 70July 18, 2016 1:10 AM

[quote] He looks like someone whose parents didn't love him enough when he was born to spring for the circumcision.

Someone paid for it because is circumcised.

by Anonymousreply 71July 18, 2016 1:12 AM

Oh, thank God, R71. But how do you know this?

by Anonymousreply 72July 18, 2016 1:13 AM

Thank you. Did that scene take place in the 1950s?

by Anonymousreply 74July 18, 2016 1:18 AM

R72 Someone I know worked as crew on AHS: Asylum and saw Peters naked. All I was told was that he is cut and has a noticeable scar. I don't know anything else, so don't ask.

by Anonymousreply 75July 18, 2016 1:29 AM

To me he's really not that cute but I prefer the lacquered version to the messy, arty one. He needs attenuation and gravitas. But then I've always preferred my men handsome,conservative and manly rather than young, bohemian and boyish.

by Anonymousreply 76July 18, 2016 1:44 AM

He's adorable and one of the only young actors today that I can see having a very long career. He's hasn't been getting by on his cuteness alone and has been playing really interesting, diverse characters in the past few years. He was a hoot this last year in Hotel channeling Vincent Price. I can't see Zac Efron or any of his other contemporaries pulling something like that off.

And yes, he has one of the best asses in the business. When I first saw that thing in the first episode of Asylum, I nearly fainted. Who'd have thought a guy like that would have such a big, juicy ass?

by Anonymousreply 78July 18, 2016 2:34 AM

Hopefully his beautiful ass isn't going to waste.

by Anonymousreply 79July 18, 2016 2:36 AM

I thought he was doing H H Holmes on hotel

by Anonymousreply 80July 18, 2016 2:36 AM

I liked him best in the first season of AHS, as Tate.

by Anonymousreply 81July 18, 2016 6:38 AM

I liked him in "The Days."

by Anonymousreply 82July 18, 2016 6:44 AM

A little treat for the #EvanPeters' fandom. Who likes Evan as a ginger?!

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by Anonymousreply 84September 4, 2016 3:11 AM

Hell no. Dark brown hair is his best look. Like in AHS Asylum and Freakshow.

by Anonymousreply 88September 4, 2016 6:39 AM

Isn't Ryan Murphy draining him dry...that's why he always hires him ;O FavOrs for wOrk and that ASS

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by Anonymousreply 90September 5, 2016 4:17 AM

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by Anonymousreply 91December 10, 2016 10:45 PM

He has large pupiless (or all pupil) shark eyes to me.

by Anonymousreply 92December 10, 2016 11:01 PM

He has his father's eyes, r92.

by Anonymousreply 93December 10, 2016 11:06 PM

I don't get the on-off-on-off thing with Emma Roberts. Is he using her to keep him in the news? He was hardly in season 6 of AHS.

I wonder what his girlfriend from Cape Town, who was with him as recently as August, thinks of the (alleged) engagement?

by Anonymousreply 94January 14, 2017 7:01 AM

Looking sickly at the University of Connecticut on Saturday (04/22/17). He's supposed to be a lead in season 7 of AHS. I hope they give him more screen time than he had last season.

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by Anonymousreply 95April 24, 2017 5:39 AM

Is he playing a cancer patient?

by Anonymousreply 96April 24, 2017 5:43 AM

How does his weight ricochet so much?

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by Anonymousreply 97April 24, 2017 6:06 AM

Vans with socks? He's giving me Frat Douche vibes.

by Anonymousreply 100April 24, 2017 6:23 AM

@ #96 - Not sure who he's playing this season. He's in an "on" phase of his on-off relationship with Emma Roberts and that always seems to drain the life force out of him.

A pic from today (04/26/17)

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by Anonymousreply 101April 27, 2017 1:03 AM

Roberts did.

It's time for him to ditch the bitch and make the switch. I'd treat him right.

by Anonymousreply 102April 27, 2017 6:07 AM

I heard she's a freak in bed and that's why he stays around her.

by Anonymousreply 103April 27, 2017 8:35 AM

I doubt it. If Google is correct, she dated a bunch of schlubs before Evan - Chord Overstreet, Dathan Kuppin, Ryan Sheckler and Alex Pettyfer. Some were cute but still rather dull types. Unlikely she picked up any moves from those guys. She does, however, have a very famous last name and aunt and there are rumors as recently as Coachella that they both have drug issues. I think he might be kind of a lazy guy that likes being linked with a famous chick and not having to buy his own drugs. He even might be telling the truth about not doing well with women. Someone (allegedly) from the AHS set on here claimed he doesn't have many dating options and is mainly "surrounded by dumb (mostly) teenage fangirls who want to get laid by him."

by Anonymousreply 104April 27, 2017 1:30 PM

Grocery shopping Beverly Hills - June 1, 2017

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by Anonymousreply 106June 2, 2017 5:34 PM

Another from June 1, 2017

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by Anonymousreply 107June 2, 2017 5:38 PM

He's practically red carpet ready in comparison to this new pic from June 6, 2017 with purple hair. The hygiene just keeps going down and down. Is he depressed?

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by Anonymousreply 109June 9, 2017 1:17 AM

He's starting to look like that little hobbit so many datalounge queens were OBSESSED with in the early aughts

by Anonymousreply 110June 9, 2017 1:22 AM

Okay, tying this to the Justin Bieber Body thread... here's another naturally skinny guy, small-framed I assume. But naked from behind, he does NOT have that tranny sucked in hips/waist thing that Bieber has. Evan looks like a dude with a small frame. Bieber, I am really starting to wonder about...

by Anonymousreply 111June 9, 2017 1:33 AM

Agree, he seems to have a rather petite frame and is not much height-wise - a tall medium at best. ...and his chest is weak BUT that is one hell of a juicy ass and very nice legs!

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by Anonymousreply 112June 9, 2017 2:10 AM

Recently spotted in Toronto (June 8, 2017).

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by Anonymousreply 113June 13, 2017 1:47 AM

He got nominated. I got bangs.

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by Anonymousreply 115January 12, 2018 4:45 AM

Evan lost a lot of weight for this past season of AHS, and now he looks horrible.

He used to look very healthy and masculine in AHS - Asylum as "Kit," but in this latest series of AHS - Cult, he looked skinny and gross.

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by Anonymousreply 116January 12, 2018 5:30 AM
