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Big Brother 25 has a new contender for Americas Favorite Houseguest

It’s almost time for Big Brother fans to vote on America’s Favorite Houseguest.

Online polls may indicate a surprising contender for the award.

Each season, fans get to vote for the houseguest they like the best.

Sometimes, the award goes to a good houseguest who didn’t make it to the end.

Other times, the cash prize goes to a player who made the season fun.

Last season, Taylor Hale was named AFH. So she won the AFH prize and the $750,000 prize for winning Big Brother 24.

Could America Lopez win America’s Favorite Houseguest for BB25?

Despite having a good week in the game, Jag Bains has seen his popularity take a hit.

America Lopez got even more support on those latest fan polls.

The latest houseguest ratings at Joker’s Updates have America and Cory Wurtenberger as the two most popular players.

Finishing out the top five people at Joker’s Updates are Cirie Fields, Reilly Smedley, and Cameron Hardin.

Big Brother Junkies had similar results on its latest social media poll. America leads the way, followed by Cirie and then Cory. Their poll only includes current houseguests, with Felicia Cannon and Matt Klotz completing the top five people.

The latest fan poll at Big Brother Network continues to give Cameron fan support.

Cameron remains the most popular houseguest with the BBN readers, followed by Matt, Cory, Cirie, and America. Jag is only ahead of Felicia, Blue Kim, and Bowie Jane on that site.

Cameron had 50.52 percent of the vote in the latest update at BBN, with fans still placing votes for Week 11.

Cameron vs America for America’s Favorite Houseguest?

The next America’s Vote happens during the last week of the season. That’s when the viewers will vote on who receives the $50,000 prize.

Here is an updated schedule for BB25 episodes. The season finale is coming up quickly.

Since many challenges remain, a current houseguest can move up in the fan polls.

Many Big Brother fans seem frustrated with how the Secret HOH week has gone because Jag told almost everyone about his power.

Had Jag kept the secret, it’s possible he could have become much more popular in the polls.

Many fans miss Cameron. Some current houseguests also discussed regretting Cameron’s eviction.

Will Cameron keep this level of fan support while living in the jury house? Or can America surpass him with some success in the game?

It’s also possible another houseguest will make a run at AFH based on the results of the final three weeks.

Former player Michael Bruner got married last week. He was a competition beast on the Big Brother 24 cast, but he got eliminated before making it to the end.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.
