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The Untold Truth Of Listerine

You probably already caught this, but Lister and Listerine have some letters in common. Most of them, actually. That's not a coincidence.

See, Jordan Wheat Lambert was a chemist and businessman who decided to make a surgical antiseptic. In order to honor Doctor Lister (and, most likely, get some free publicity off the name similarities), Lambert named his antiseptic "Listerine." Of course, there's not a lot of money to be made in surgical antiseptics, so Lambert and his associate, Dr. Joseph Lawrence, marketed it for a ton of different stuff — including curing dandruff and functioning as aftershave, along with the aforementioned floor-cleaner and STD-treater gimmicks. However, even that wasn't enough for their money-hungry wide-eyes. Something else needed to happen, something that would take Listerine from the micro-market to a household product.
