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Angry Chipotle Customer Throws Burrito Bowl at Employee in Heated Vid

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A Chipotle worker in Ohio says she's got PTSD from a customer's ballistic burrito bowl assault -- and the full spicy confrontation was caught on camera.

The incident went down in Parma, OH -- it's hard to hear exactly what the customer was arguing about, but it's safe to assume she was pissed about how her order came out Tuesday night.

Early on in the clip, another customer defends the employee who's taking the verbal beating ... the irate patron complains about waiting for their food, and the woman in gray responds, "Then go to Taco Bell!"

And, just as the back-and-forth seems to settle down, the customer slams her food into the employee's face ... completely covering her, and drawing a big reaction from onlookers.

The woman from the beginning of the clip even swoops in as the customer tries to leave, getting in a brief physical spat ... before the bowl-thrower gets outta there.

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A witness claimed the customer in question left unhappy with their food and came back 5 minutes later to start yelling, according to Fox8.

The worker says she now suffers from anxiety as a result of the incident, but a witness says they were impressed by how well the employee kept her cool at the moment.

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BTW, it's unclear exactly what the customer's food looked like to set her off ... maybe Chipotle was a little stingy with the guac? 🤷🏽‍♀️
