Here's one important rule about film criticism and review writing: the harder you have to think to find something noteworthy or laudable about a motion picture, the less likely it is to get a recommendation. So, although there are some things to ...

Seen in standard (non-IMAX) 3-D. The appeal of Drive Angry is much the same as that of Piranha: a willingness to revel in absurdity to the degree where the exhilaration is infectious. This is a comic book come to life. A combined homage to/paro...

It's a little surprising to encounter a film like Feast of Love in multiplexes, because it is made for adults. After a summer of pyrotechnics and incredibly dumb scripts, it's a change of pace to find something that aspires to run for 100 minutes w...

Fracture is refreshingly different from the average mystery thriller in that it does not bombard the audience with "shocking" twists and "surprise" turns. This is a good thing, since those kinds of gimmicky plot elements more often than not derail...

Perhaps the most intriguing question associated with this movie is what to call it. Originally, the film bore the moniker of Jane Austen's Mafia, but, when test audiences were confused by the title (an inexcusable 90% of Americans claim not to kno...

At least the werewolves in Red Riding Hood have teeth and, when in human form, they don't parade around shirtless. Alas, wearing the PG-13 like a Scarlet Letter, the movie advertises an absence of true horror. Even Lon Cheney Jr.'s Wolfman was scar...

In a statement that borders on the obvious, this review is not being written for the legions of loyal fans who have made Stephanie Meyer's novel Twilight the most popular piece of young adult literature to come along since Harry Potter left Hogwart...

With the Twilight movies, you get out of them what you put into them. If you're a fan, this represents a delirious opportunity to see moments and characters from a favorite book come to life on the big screen. If you're indifferent to the hackney...

I'm of two minds about Breaking Dawn Part 2. Although it includes the most intense sequence in any of the movies, it also features an unforgivable example of motion picture bait-and-switch. It's deflating, a desperate attempt to make the finale of ...

Note: An argument can be made that this review contains spoilers for Eclipse. For those who have read the book, there is no spoilage. For those who have watched the trailer, there is no spoilage. For those who don't fit into either of those cate...