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OnQ PM Housekeeping Training - Modify Room Status

OnQ PM Housekeeping Training - Modify Room Status OnQ Property Management

OnQ Property Management Housekeeping Training - Modify Room Status

For your job position, you are required to complete the OnQ Property Management course on how to modify the status of a room in the Housekeeping module. There are two different versions of Housekeeping in OnQ PM - Standard and Automated. Please verify which version of Housekeeping is used at your hotel and complete one of the following courses:

Modify Room Status - Standard Housekeeping

Modify Room Status - Automated Housekeeping

Once you have completed one of these courses, this learning activity will also show complete, and you will be able to continue with your OnQ PM training.

If you do not know which version of Housekeeping you use at your hotel, please consult your manager or Brand Performance team.
