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Parker Nugent Dies in a Deadly Motorcycle Accident

According to Metro Nashville police, a 17-year-old teenager died after a motorcycle accident late on Thursday night in the Green Hills neighborhood.

According to police, Parker Glynn Nugent was operating a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle when it failed to stop at the junction of Caldwell Lane and General Bate Drive as Nugent was traveling north on General Bate Drive.

According to MNPD, Nugent flipped the motorcycle over and let it go through the intersection into a guardrail. The motorcycle’s passenger, a teenage female, suffered just minor wounds.

read also:GoFundMe; Tiffany Cooke Dies in Motorcycle Accident – Obituary,

Nugent allegedly passed away after being transferred to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Police stated that there were no indications of intoxication at the scene of the collision.

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