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The Untold Truth Of Robert Plant

According to Paul Rees in "Robert Plant: A Life," Robert Plant would sing Elvis Presley into his hairbrush when he was 9 years old. He spent his teenage years living close to Stourbridge, and his father would take him to the town's blues club, Seven Stars (via The Guardian). That's where Plant would cut his teeth with house band, the Delta Blues Band.

But the more time he spent at the blues bar, the less time he would spend at school. Needless to say, this behavior started a conflict within his family, as Plant's parents were afraid he would give up a solid career for a wild goose chase. As he confessed to The Guardian, "I was at school at the time, and it was really hard to combine the two and keep a compatible relationship with schoolmasters and parents at the same time as doing what I really wanted to do." When he joined a band called the Crawling King Snakes, this deeply upset his parents, and their relationship grew cold for a while.

While Plant managed to scrape by with barely passing grades for his final exams, as the story goes, he was allegedly expelled due to truancy. So, at 17, Plant left home. But as he told Louder, "Well, I was bound for a proper job, and I've got one... I made my peace with my parents a couple of years later."
