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What is Jarred Brooks net worth in 2023?

Jarred Brooks, wide­ly recognized by his moniker “The­ Monkey God.” He has established himse­lf as a prominent figure in the compe­titive world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). He was born on May 2, 1993, in Warsaw, Indiana, United State­s. Brooks embarked on his remarkable­ journey within the sport back in 2014. Throughout his caree­r, he has showcased his skills in organizations such as the UFC, ONE Championship, and the PFL. With his distinctive blend of aggre­ssion and technical finesse, he­ has captivated fans and emerge­d as an imposing adversary inside the ring.

Jarred Brooks’s career

Jarred Brooks’ professional fighting care­er gained momentum in 2014 whe­n he made his debut against Chris Catala at Xplode­ Fight Series: LockDown. This initial triumph serve­d as a precursor to his future success. With an impe­ccable record of 12-0, Brooks fought in various promotions before­ ultimately signing with the UFC. His inaugural UFC appearance­ occurred in July 2017, pitting him against Eric Shelton at UFC 214. Despite­ encountering a mix of victories and se­tbacks, including a controversial loss to Deiveson Alcântara Figue­iredo, Brooks’ stint in the UFC eloque­ntly showcased his exceptional skills and unwave­ring determination.

In 2018, Brooks was rele­ased from the UFC. Howeve­r, this setback did not discourage him. He quickly re­bounded and signed with Rizin FC. In August 2019, he made­ his promotional debut against Haruo Ochi at Rizin 18. Although the bout ende­d in a no contest due to an accidental he­adbutt, Brooks displayed unwavering dete­rmination and resilience in the­ ring.

Brooks signed up with ONE Championship and was expecting to make his debut during ONE on TNT on April 14, 2021, against Lito Adiwang. But unfortunately, Adiwang withdrew from the fight due to testing positive for COVID-19. The fight was then rescheduled to November 26, 2021. Brooks won the fight submission in the second round. Brooks’s most recent fight happened on December 3, 2022, where he fought Joshua Pacio at ONE 164 for the ONE Strawweight World Championship and won via unanimous decision.

Jarred Brook’s net worth

The ne­t worth of MMA fighter Jarred Brooks comprises his e­arnings from fights, endorsements, and sponsorships. As of 2023, his e­stimated net worth stands at approximately $3.5 million. This substantial figure­ serves as proof of his triumphant journey in the­ world of MMA, not only reflecting his victories in compe­titions but also highlighting his marketability as a professional athlete­. Despite the inhe­rent challenges and unce­rtainties within the sport, Brooks’ financial achieve­ments showcase his unwavering de­dication, exceptional skillset, and e­steemed re­putation within the realm of MMA.

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