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Where Was The Sandlot Filmed?

Did they film “The Sandlot” in California?

As fans of the movie might remember, at the beginning of the movie Scott Smalls is moving to the San Fernando Valley outside of Los Angeles. The movie sure looks like it could be set in the Valley, but still, we have to ask: where was “The Sandlot” filmed? It turns out that thr production filmed the entire movie in the state of Utah. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, it was shot around the town of Ogden and Salt Lake City.

The movie is an important part of Salt Lake City history, especially the neighborhood of Glendale where most of the shooting took place. The same article follows the director of the movie, David Mickey Evans, as he tours the neighborhood and comments on all the places where they shot.

The newspaper article remarks on just how popular the director was coming back after 20 years. “Mothers have hugged him. One asked Evans to sign her baby. On this journey across America, Evans is beginning to understand the impact of the little movie he made on a million dollars and a barren field in Glendale.”

Now we know a little bit more about the neighborhood where they filmed parts of the movie. Next, let’s get down to some more specific locations that you can still see.

Notable “The Sandlot” filming locations

There are so many iconic scenes from “The Sandlot” that stand out for fans, some of whom may want to take a pilgrimage to Utah to check them out. So let’s get down to answering the question: where was “The Sandlot” filmed? For some of the specifics, we’ll turn to an article in The Cinemaholic.

Starting off, how about the scene where the boys try to buy new baseballs at the drugstore? The location is in the Midvale neighborhood of Salt Lake City and is still Vincent’s Drugs to this day. Another location they mention is the location of the infamous pool scene, where Specks pretends to drown to get a kiss from Wendy Peffercorn. The Sandlot kids were banned from the pool for this! However, if you want to visit for yourself, you can find it at the Valley Vista Community Pool.

Next is the scene where a massive dog, Hercules, chases Benny through the town. First, we see them run through a movie screening, which was the Boys Club of America Auditorium. Then, we see them run through a Founders Day Picnic that they filmed at Liberty Park.

Interestingly enough, the only scene that wasn’t shot in Utah was the scene at Dodger’s Stadium at the end of the movie. They actually shot that one on location.

Where is “The Sandlot’s” baseball field?

There is one more location that we absolutely have to mention when answering the question: “Where was ‘The Sandlot’ filmed?”

And that would be the titular Sandlot itself, where we spend a lot of time with the kids during all their baseball games.

According to KSL Sports, if you’re hoping to see it for yourself, you’ll want to head on down near 1388 Glenrose Drive in Salt Lake City to get a look for yourself.

And how about the baseball game that the boys play against the more organized rich kids’ team later in the movie? That location is at Riverside Park in Rose Park, Utah. If you’re looking to play your own pickup baseball game, stick to Riverside Park because it seems like the original baseball field from “The Sandlot” is a little harder to access.

Keep the nostalgic vibes going and discover where they filmed “ET”, too!
