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Should you give Duncan the Venomous Tentacula leaf in Hogwarts Legacy?

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Duncan Hobhouse is one of the several characters you’re going to encounter in Hogwarts Legacy. He’s a timid student who wants to show his bravery to others and show that he’s brave enough to do things they would never dream of doing. To help with his bravery, he asks your character to get a Venomous Tentacula leak from underneath the castle. Should you give Duncan the Venomous Tentacula leaf in Hogwarts Legacy?

What happens if you give Duncan the Venomous Tentacula leaf in Hogwarts Legacy?

Should you go out of your way to give Duncan the leaf, he’ll be extremely thankful for doing this for him. It was a terrifying adventure and not one he would ever want to embark on. He’ll thank you for your assistance on the matter and tell you that he can’t wait for the other students to start leaving him alone. He mostly asked for your help so they would stop bothering him.

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Doing this task for Duncan, and giving him the Venomous Tentacula leaf, will build a positive relationship with this character.

What happens if you don’t give Duncan the Venomous Tentacula leaf in Hogwarts Legacy?

There’s also the option to tell Duncan that he needs to do this himself and that you do not give the plant to him. He’ll ask you again if you’re serious about making this choice, and if you continue to refuse to give him the plant, he’ll be annoyed that you’re telling him he needs to become stronger. His reasoning for asking you to do it was not to become stronger but for the other students at Hogwarts to leave him alone. He just wants some peace. When you make this decision, you do leave a negative impact on Duncan.

Regardless of your decision, you receive the rewards for this quest, and you can freely work on the other quests within Hogwarts Legacy.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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