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The yellow and white lines on the road have a message. Don't ignore them

The various kinds of markings on the road are seldom heeded to yet they could make all the difference between life and death in some situations. A quick guide to the meanings of road markings which every driver is supposed to be aware of.

The yellow, white and black markings are designed to convey messages and warnings to the drivers of moving vehicles without diverting attention from the road. While the lines along the road are meant to regulate traffic flow, the lines across the road denote spaces to stop vehicles.

Broken white line

Broken white lines are used to mark the middle of a two lane highway to separate traffic on both directions. Drivers are supposed to keep left but can cross the broken line for overtaking if situations permit.

Hazard warning line

These markings are meant to warn the drivers about the proximity of an accident-prone area. The pieces of this broken line will be longer than a normal broken white line and the gap between the lines would be shorter. There would be at least seven broken lines to form a hazard warning line. They usually appear ahead of a crossroads or bends on the roads.

Continuous white line

A continuous white line separates the traffic on both directions, just as a broken white line, but the drivers are not supposed to cross the line for overtaking or any other purpose.

Continuous yellow line

No overtaking permitted on stretches with a continuous yellow line. These lines appear on stretches with bends. Crossing the yellow line is punishable.

Double white lines/yellow line

Crossing these lines are prohibited.

A continuous line and a broken line

Vehicles on the side of the broken line can cross the line to the other side. Vehicles on the side of the unbroken line cannot.

Traffic lane lines

These short dashes are meant to regulate traffic on wide highways. They will be shorter and leaner than the lines at the middle of the road.
