9:30 am Mission Story Videos
10:00 am Welcome & Prayer
George Onchiri
10:05 am Sabbath School Lesson
Panel: Jared Momanyi, LaVerne Devnich, Jim Sovick, Stu Benesh
11:00 am Mission Report
11:05 am Praise & Worship
"Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"
"There is Sunshine in my Soul Today"
"Sabbath Rest"
11:15 am Welcome & Announcements
George Onchiri
11:20 am "Blessed Assurance" | Congregation
11:23 am Opening Prayer
George Onchiri
11:24 am Call for Offering
Church Budget | George Onchiri
11:26 am Offertory Music
"God Will Take Care of You"
11:29 am Children's Story
Alison Pichel
11:34 am Scripture Reading
John 4:25-26 | Lois Mobisa
11:35 am Worship in Music
"How Great Thou Art" | Charity Duran, violin
11:38 am Worship Service
"Win to Win" | Pastor Sean Lee
12:15 pm "Not I, But Christ" | Congregation
12:18 pm Benediction | Pastor Sean Lee
12:20 pm "We Have This Hope" | Congregation