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The Meaning Behind The Song: Savage Daughter by Sarah Hester Ross

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Savage Daughter by Sarah Hester Ross

TitleSavage Daughter
ArtistSarah Hester Ross
Writer/ComposerKaren Kahan (also known as Wyndreth Berginsdottir)
Release Date2020

The song “Savage Daughter” performed by Sarah Hester Ross is a cover of the original song “My Mother’s Savage Daughter” by Karen Kahan. It features June Zenner and Rhiannon Buth. Released in 2020, this pop song carries a powerful message and evokes raw emotions.

The Lyrics

“I am my mother’s savage daughter
The one who runs barefoot
Cursing sharp stones
I am my mother’s savage daughter
I will not cut my hair
I will not lower my voice”

These opening lines highlight the rebellious nature of the singer, who proudly embraces her identity as her mother’s daughter. Refusing to conform to societal norms, she rejects the mainstream expectations of how a woman should behave or present herself.

“My mother’s child is a savage
She looks for her omens in the colors of stones
In the faces of cats, in the falling of feathers
In the dancing of fire
In the curve of old bones”

The lyrics emphasize the connection between the singer and her mother. Both are described as “savage” in their pursuit of truth and spirituality. They seek signs and symbols within nature, finding meaning in the smallest details. Their wild nature and intuition guide them on their journey of self-discovery.

“My mother’s child dances in darkness
She sings heathen songs
By the light of the moon
And watches the stars and renames the planets
And dreams she can reach them
With a song and a broom”

These lines paint a vivid picture of the singer’s mother, dancing freely and fearlessly in the darkness. She sings songs that may be considered unconventional or outside mainstream traditions. Her connection to the natural world is evident as she gazes at the stars, even daring to imagine herself reaching them. This imagery symbolizes the mother’s dreams and aspirations, defying limitations and societal expectations.

“We are all brought forth out of darkness
Into this world, through blood and through pain
And deep in our bones, the old songs are waking
So sing them with voices of thunder and rain”

The song broadens its message to encompass all women, highlighting the shared experiences of pain and struggle that exist across generations. It suggests that within each woman lies a collective wisdom, passed down through generations. The “old songs” represent this ancestral knowledge, which is awakening within them. The call to sing with “voices of thunder and rain” encourages women to express themselves boldly and authentically.

“We are our mother’s savage daughters
The ones who run barefoot
Cursing sharp stones
We will not cut our hair
We will not lower our voice”

The chorus reinforces the theme of resistance and empowerment. Women are depicted as fierce and untamed beings, refusing to conform to societal expectations and remaining true to themselves. They reject the notion of altering their appearance or stifling their voices as a means of fitting in or pleasing others.

Listening to “Savage Daughter” resonates with me on a personal level. The song speaks to the inner strength and unwavering spirit that women possess. It reminds me of the countless times I have faced adversity and discrimination, yet remained steadfast in my beliefs and true to my identity.

Each time I hear this song, it ignites a fire within me and reinforces my determination to live authentically, just as my mother raised me to be. It serves as a reminder of the power that comes from embracing our true selves and rejecting societal pressures that seek to limit our potential.

“Savage Daughter” is not just a song, but an anthem for all women who refuse to be contained by societal norms. It celebrates our wildness, strength, and the bond we share with our mothers. Through its powerful lyrics and Sarah Hester Ross’s captivating vocals, this song leaves a lasting impact and continues to inspire women everywhere.
