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Word World | The Mystery of the Disappearing Pie/Duck's Family Reunion | Season 1 | Episode 4

(pants, barks) KID: Word World!

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ KID: Let's build a word.

KIDS: Word World.

KID: Word World.

KIDS: ♪ Jump to the beat ♪ ♪ Clap your hands in the air ♪ KIDS: Let's build a word!

Word World!

KID: Word World.

♪ We've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ Building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ Nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ They hold our world together ♪ ♪ With Dog ♪ ♪ And Sheep ♪ ♪ And Duck ♪ ♪ And Pig ♪ ♪ There's always a surprise!

♪ (barks) KIDS: Word World!

(croaks, whimpers) (train toots) (giggles) ♪ Welcome to our world ♪ KIDS: Word World!

♪ Word World ♪ KIDS: Word World!

♪ It's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ Word World.

♪ KIDS: Yay!

NARRATOR: It was a beautiful day in Word World.

And Dog... (barks) ...smelled something good coming from Pig's kitchen.

(sniffing) (humming) Oh, hi, Dog.

(barks inquisitively) Hmm?

Oh, I'm baking something special for Bear.

KIDS: Pie!

Mmm-mmm, pie.

Oh, Bear is going to be so surprised.

(barks) (sniffs) Oh, it sure smells good!



Oh, right, right.

Don't eat the pie.

Don't eat the pie, oh!

It's for Bear.

I'll just put it here on the windowsill, so it can cool off.

(barks) Oh, good idea, Dog.

I'll write a note so no one else takes it.

For B-E-A-R.

KIDS: Bear!


Now no one will take Bear's pie.

Come on, Dog.

Let's go play fetch while the pie cools off.

NARRATOR: So while they waited for Bear's pie to cool, Pig and Dog played fetch together.

(groans) Waa-ha!

(groans) NARRATOR: Until the ball rolled into the shrub.

(whimpers, barks) What is it, Dog?

(gasps) The pie!

Oh, where is the pie?



Oh, here, pie.

Here, pie.

(whistling) Come on, pie.


Where did Bear's pie go?

Oh, where is it?

Where is it?!

NARRATOR: And at that moment, who should happen by but Pig's good friend, Sheep.

Uh, Pig, are you trying to play, um, hide-and-seek?

Because I can see you, you know.

(muffled speech) No, Sheep, I'm not playing.

The three-letter pie that I made for Bear is missing.

(gasps): Missing?

Say, that sounds like a job for... Detective Sheep, at your service.

We shall solve the Mystery of the Disappearing Pie.

The game's afoot.


Hmm, yes, yes.




What's this?

It looks like a trail of crumbs.

Pie crumbs.


(smacking lips) Yep, pie crumbs.

Mmm, it's definitely pie crumbs.

Um, Pig, don't eat the crumbs, please.

They'll lead us to whoever took the pie.

(clears throat) Let us go.

NARRATOR: Pig, Dog and Detective Sheep headed out to solve the Mystery of the Disappearing Pie.

Meanwhile, Bird was doing a little spring cleaning.

(singing) (chewing) Oh, huh?


That looked like a letter "B."

I wonder who that was?

Oh, crumbs!

(gasps): Look, there's more.

The crumb trail leads us right about... Hi, Sheep.


Bird, what are you doing?

Well, I was just cleaning up and...

Cleaning up, you say?

Hmm, and eating P-I-E, pie... perchance?

Oh, no, but I did just hear someone go by.

And it sounded as if they might have been eating something.


And who might that someone have been, if you don't mind my asking?

Well, I didn't really see who it was.

All I saw was a very large letter "B."

The letter "B," you say?

Let us see.

The letter "B," the letter "B," mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Like this, Bird?

Yes, that's right.

The letter "B."

Well done, Bird!

We have our first clue in the Mystery of the Disappearing Pie.

We're hot on the trail now.

NARRATOR: Detective Sheep and her friends continued along the trail of crumbs.

Meanwhile, something interesting was happening in Frog's Log.

FROG: Whoa!

What's this?

The letter "E?"

DUCK (gasps): Really?

Where, where, where, where?

That's not an "E," Frog.

That is an "A."

Duck, I assure you.

What I saw was the letter "E." Well, Frog, you "a-sure" need to look again 'cause I saw the letter "A."

"E." "A."



(arguing) Hmm.







Is anyone at home?



We are hot on the case of the disappearing pie.

Someone took the delicious three-letter pie I made for Bear.

And the crumb trail led us here.

Well, it wasn't me, Sheep.

Me, neither.


But I did see the letter "E." No, no, it was the letter "A!"

"E." "A."



Well, now, maybe you saw both the letter "E" and the letter "A."

Uh, did you ever think of that?



Hmm, now let us see here.

So we have the letter "B," and an "E," and an "A."

We're getting close.

And now, onward with our hunt to solve the Mystery of the Disappearing Pie.

NARRATOR: And so Sheep and her friends continued to follow the trail of crumbs.

Meanwhile, Ant was busy in the meadow.

ANT: You're coming with me, Daisy.

(grunting) Uh, oh!

No, no!


Oh, no!

Oh, no!




Caught you red-handed!


Well, yes, my hands are red, but so is the rest of me.

So what?


We are hunting for whomever took the pie that Pig made for Bear, and if I am not mistaken, is that not a pie crumb in your hand?



Oh, oh, yes, but, uh, no.

Someone walking by just dropped it.

And who might that someone have been?

Well, I couldn't see exactly because all of the falling crumbs and such, but I did see a big letter "R." Ooh!

That sounds like another clue!

It does.

All right, everyone.

Let's put our clues together.


Well, I saw a "B."

And I saw an "E." Uh, I saw an "A."

And I saw an "R." All right.

"R." (gasps) Wait a second.


Yes, I think we can solve this mystery now.

It's time to... ALL: Build a word!

(upbeat music plays) ♪ It's time to build a word ♪ ♪ Let's build it, let's build it now ♪ KIDS: Bear!

♪ Yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ We built it!

We built it!

♪ Aha!


Bear ate the pie.


ALL: Bear?


You called?!

Bear, you ate the pie I made for, uh... you?

Well, yes.

I saw the note that said, "For Bear."

So I ate it.

It was delicious.

Thank you.

I-I wish I had more pie to share with all of you.


(laughs) I can fix that.

NARRATOR: Later, back at Pig's barn... And the first pie is for Detective Sheep for solving the mystery.

(all cheering) Yummy.

NARRATOR: Pig made enough pies for everyone, and it was no mystery why those pies all disappeared.

The end.

(barking and panting) (panting and barks) KID: Word World!

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Welcome to the place where words come alive ♪ KID: Let's build a word.

KIDS: Word World.

KID: Word World.

KIDS: ♪ Jump to the beat ♪ ♪ Clap your hands in the air ♪ KIDS: Let's build a word!

Word World!

KID: Word World.

♪ We've got friends of every size ♪ ♪ Building words before our eyes ♪ ♪ Nothing's better than a letter ♪ ♪ They hold our world together ♪ ♪ With Dog ♪ ♪ And Sheep ♪ ♪ And Duck ♪ ♪ And Pig ♪ ♪ There's always a surprise!

♪ (barks) KIDS: Word World!

(croaks) (whimpers) (train toots) (giggles) ♪ Welcome to our world ♪ KIDS: Word World!

♪ Word World ♪ KIDS: Word World!

♪ It's a beautiful world ♪ ♪ Word World.

♪ KIDS: Yay!

(birds singing) NARRATOR: Another beautiful day in Word World.

Bee was buzzing.

Frog was gardening.

(humming) And Sheep was working on a very special project.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.




(truck horn blowing) KIDS: Truck!

(truck horn blowing) Truck!

(barking and panting) You, uh, want to go, uh, for a ride?

Well, oh, we can't drive a truck without... ...Truck Driver Sheep.

Ready to hit the road there, good buddy?

(barking) Come on, Dog.

Let's go down to the pond and show Frog the new truck.

(barks) (panting) Breaker, Breaker, Good Buddy.

This is Sheep and Dog headed down to the pond to see our little green friend.


(mumbles) (trunk horn honking) (engine revving) (cow lowing) NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Frog was putting the finishing touches on his prize-winning hedge.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, hmm.

Ah, there!

Now, that's a hedge!

NARRATOR: He had his heart set on a quiet morning of gardening.

Gardening is so nice.

So peaceful, so quiet.





Morning, Frog!

Um, I just wanted to see if, uh, I could take my bath here?

Fine, Duck, but please keep it down.

I'm trying to do some serious gardening here.

Oh, sure.


(loudly): ♪ I'm not a rubber ducky ♪ ♪ To use inside the bath... ♪ Shh!


(clears throat) (quietly): ♪ I'm not a rubber ducky ♪ ♪ To use inside the bath ♪ ♪ But if you give me one good squeeze ♪ ♪ I'll give you one good... ♪ (truck horn blowing) (gasps and whimpers) Duck!

It wasn't me, honest.

I... (truck horn blows, Duck gasps) (whimpers) Look.

(water gurgling) NARRATOR: Duck had never seen a big truck before, so he was a bit... nervous.

10-4, good buddies.

Sheep, look out!


There's an awful, terrible, loud, honking yellow monster behind you.

Well, uh, huh?


It's hideous.

Just look at it.

All yellow... (honking) Honky goo.

(laughing): Oh... well, oh, that's no monster.

That's a truck, Duck.

Hey... isn't that funny?

Your names-- well, they sound the same.

They rhyme.

Duck, truck.

Truck, duck.



How do you do, Mr. Truck?

(honking) (chuckling): Well... pleased to meet you, too.


You know, Truck's voice sounds, well... a lot like yours, Duck.

Wha... only bigger.



(honking) Quack.

(honking) (giggling): Yeah.

(gasps) And we're both yellow.

(giggling): And cute as the dickens.

(gasps) Hey, just hold on one minute.

What is it, Duck?

Don't you get it?

Don't you see?

We must be related.

We're long-lost cousins.

(honking) Do you people mind?

I'm trying to do some serious gardening over here.

Oh, Frog, come on over!

Come and meet my long-lost cousin.

What are you talking about, Duck?

Frog, this is my long-lost cousin... Truck.

Duck, that's not your cousin.

That's a truck.

Uh, well, yes, but, uh, actually, Truck and Duck are related.

Well, sort of.

Their names rhyme!

(singsongy): Truck, Duck, Duck, Truck.


The ends of their names, well, they sound, well, just the same.

T-R-U-C-K. Truck.





You get it?

We are part of the same family.

(barks) Now, give me a squeeze, you big lug nut.

(honking) (gasps) We need a party.

What kind of cousin would I be if I didn't throw a little party when family came to town?

Duck, I have some serious gardening to do and I'd like to do it in peace and quiet if you don't mind!


Where you going?

You're gonna miss the party.

(engine revving) (honking) Hey.


(honking) Hey.


(honking) Quack, quack.



Quack, quack.

NARRATOR: Everyone had a grand time, except for Frog, that is, who felt that he had much more serious business to attend to.

(grunting) I'm trying to do some serious work here, people!

(growling) ♪ ♪ (honking) (screaming) Oh, I'm so happy I found you, Cousin Truck.



Oh, no!

Truck, wait!

Quack, quack.


Flap your wings, Truck.

Kick your legs.



Um, well, Duck, you and Truck may be part of the same, uh, word family, but actually, don't forget, a duck is still a duck, and a truck is still a truck.

You mean he can't swim?

(sobbing) Quack.

This is terrible.

Oh, my poor cousin.

We've got to do something.

Uh, we'll get him out of there.

We just need something we can attach to Truck to pull him out.

Yeah, um, something long.

And sticky.

Um, something like... (both gasp) DUCK & SHEEP: Frog's tongue!

NARRATOR: So, Sheep, Dog and Duck went to ask Frog for some help.

So, uh, you see, Frog, you're, uh... actually, really the only one who can help.


Oh, please, Frog.

Please, please, please, please, please.

You have to help rescue Cousin Truck.

(sobbing): Please, please, please.

You're our only hope.

Oh, how can I say no to a face like that?

I knew I could count on you, Frog.

Here goes nothing.

Okay, everyone, pull as hard as you can!

One, two, three.

(singsongy): D-U-C-K, duck, duck.

T-R-U-C-K, truck.

D-U-C-K, duck, duck.

T-R-U-C-K, truck.

(grunting) I got it.

Come on.

Got it.


(panting) (gasps) My family's all broken up.

That's it, Duck!

Well, we just need to put the letters back together.

Of course.

We have all the letters here.

We can fix it!

I do believe it's time to... ALL: Build a word!

♪ It's time to build a word ♪ ♪ Let's build it, let's build it now!

♪ (honking) KIDS: Truck!

(honking) ♪ Yeah, we just built a word ♪ ♪ We built it!

We built it!

♪ NARRATOR: With everyone's help, Truck was beautifully restored.

Oh, thanks, everybody.

Quack, quack.

Cousin Truck is part of the family again.


Frog, now you can get back to your gardening.

This time I promise that I will keep quiet.

Well, I can always garden tomorrow.

Come on, everybody.

Let's party!

(engine revving) (honking) ALL: Hey.

(honking) Quack, quack.

(honking) Hey.

Quack, quack.

(honking) NARRATOR: Frog realized that there are times to be serious, but there are other times when you just have to let go and be silly.

The end.

