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The Real Reason Lauren Manzo Scalia Won't Post Photos Of Her Daughter Anymore

Lauren Manzo Scalia spelled out the reasons why she won't be sharing photos of her daughter, Marchese "Markie" Scalia, on social media anymore. 

"Since so many of you are absolutely insane, mean & don't know how to mind your f**king business...We will no longer be posting photos of Markie on our [I]nstagrams," the New Jersey reality star wrote on her Instagram stories in April 2020. "This includes my extended family on their [I]nstagrams too. Thanks for f**king it up for everyone else," she said (via Bravo).

Lauren's brothers, Albie and Chris, as well as her mom, Caroline Manzo, have all previously shared pics of little Markie on social media, but that's all going to stop now because of trolls and haters. Seriously, who are these people?

Shortly after her announcement, Lauren shared a screenshot of messages from fans begging her to keep posting about Markie. "In [four] minutes all these messages already of people sad I won't be posting Markie. Maybe I should tag all of the a**holes that continue to attack me because [it's] their fault. So sick of all the bulls**t," she said (via Bravo).

While we'll miss seeing Markie's smiling face, we totally respect Lauren's decision to protect her daughter. It's heartbreaking that there are so many haters out there, but it makes sense Lauren wants to shield Markie from that negativity.
