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Alan Butler Obituary,A Heartfelt Tribute To Alan Butler


Alan Butler Obituary, Death –  It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of a dear friend and dedicated volunteer, Alan Butler. Alan departed this world early this morning, succumbing to the relentless grip of Motor Neuron Disease (MND). His valiant struggle against the illness was a testament to his unwavering courage and determination.

Alan’s love for music was infectious, and he generously shared his passion and knowledge with our audience at BHR (Brighton Hill Radio).  Even in the face of his health challenges, he continued to be a vital part of our broadcasting team, enriching the lives of listeners with his unique taste and deep understanding of the art form. At BHR, Alan was more than a colleague; he was a cherished member of our family.

His warm and friendly demeanor made him a beloved figure among the staff and volunteers. Always ready to lend a hand, Alan’s kindness and generosity touched the lives of everyone he encountered. And let’s not forget his prowess as a quizzer – a trait that added a delightful competitive spirit to our community. Our hearts go out to Angela, Alan’s devoted wife, and his entire family during this difficult time.

The void left by Alan’s passing is immeasurable, and we share in the grief of all who knew and loved him. His memory will forever echo through the halls of BHR, and the impact of his contributions will be felt for years to come. As we mourn the loss of Alan Butler, let us remember the joy he brought into our lives, the music he shared, and the camaraderie he fostered. May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may his family find solace in the memories of a life well-lived. Alan, you will be dearly missed, but your spirit will live on in the notes of the music you so passionately embraced.

