While Die Hard launched Bruce Willis' film career, Moonlighting gave the future movie star his big break. Yet while the ABC drama dominated the ratings from 1985 to 1989, Willis and co-star Cybill Shepherd's on-screen chemistry sparked behind-the-scenes fights that made filming somewhat uncomfortable.
"It's hard to do a show and keep your relationships with everybody. I remember at one point in the show, it had gotten to where we just hated each other," Shepherd told Entertainment Weekly in 2005. "It was a very volatile show anyway, but that's also what made it great."
Producer Jay Daniel added that he'd often be the "referee" who would keep the bickering stars on task. "Everybody knows there was friction between the two of them on the stage," he said in an interview with Moonlighting Strangers. "In the beginning, Bruce was just a guy's guy. Let's just say he evolved. Over the years, he went from being the crew's best friend and just being grateful for the work and all of that to realizing that he was going to be a movie star and wanting to move on. Part of that was because of his strained relationship with Cybill. That sometimes made the set a very unpleasant place to be."
While the final product remains something both leads are proud of today, Willis revealed an air that made him increasingly difficult to work with as his success continued to grow.